Last week in review

Although I work from home 95 percent of the time, every few months I have to go into the office for a day or two of meetings. Last week was that time again, so for two days I got up before the sun was up, put on actual grown-up clothes and left the house with the little guy still sleeping to board a train for Chicago (pictured above). Although getting to spend time with grown ups for a couple of days, along with actually getting to see my coworkers in person, was lovely, I'm so thankful to work from home.

Anytime I have to go in for meetings, I feel like I get a glimpse of another life, a life I could still be living had I stayed at my job in a Chicago suburb instead of leaving to work closer to home nearly two years ago. There are times that I miss the "adult" time and the actual work of being a magazine editor, which I so enjoyed. That morning cup of Starbucks brought back memories as well. But I know now that working from home was completely the right choice. Just the two days of commuting left me exhausted and missing the little guy. I felt like I was barely home and then it was time to get him ready for bed. No job is worth missing that much time with my son. I will admit, though, that the paycheck from last week with all the extra hours will be great.

This week my husband is out of town for work and will be gone during the week for the next four weeks, so I'll be playing single mom. Kind of a funny opposite from last week. However, another plus of working from home is that the little guy and I will be able to visit D for at least part of the time that he's gone--I just need to bring my laptop.

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