Getting back to normal

After a month of being three hours away from home Monday-Friday, D is finally home. It was harder than I ever expected. Three of the four weeks, the little guy and I made the trek out to visit D (hence my staying-in-a-hotel-with-a-toddler post). Because he had to work overnight shifts, the little guy and I had to stay out of the hotel during the day before naptime so he could sleep. So we still didn't get to spend a whole lot of time together. I know the time away was hard for D, too, because he really hates spending time away from the little guy.

We did manage to get in a family trip to a zoo while we were out there, which was a lot of fun. I also took the little guy to an apple orchard, playground and wildlife preserve while D was sleeping during the day. I felt bad that he couldn't be with us for all the fun, though. I have to say, my hat goes off to those who have spouses who travel all the time for work or who are deployed. I don't know if I could handle being separated from D all the time.

Working was interesting as well. The hotel had wireless Internet, but as I mentioned before, the connection was less than stellar. The little guy took a nap every afternoon while we were visiting D, but I had to go hide in the bathroom until he fell asleep since being able to see me was too distracting. However, I did manage to get in my normal hours, even though my seat on the floor was a bit uncomfortable.

The photo above, by the way, is the result of me having to be on the phone for work for 30 minutes while the little guy was awake. Obviously he's figured out that he can't really get in trouble when I'm on the phone. Like I said, things are getting back to normal ...

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